Quilt Show RULES
2025 RULES
July 19, 2025
Contact Person: Wanda Mills
1805 16th Street
Hempstead, Texas 77445
Email Address: Wanda@thequiltersranch.com
Mobile: 936-419-3788
All entries must be clean completed and undamaged. All quilts must consist of three layers: quilt top, batting and backing. All quilts MUST have a display sleeve either sewn or pinned on the top of the quilt or where the quilt will hang 90” or less to the floor. If your quilt is longer than 90 inches, you must place your hanging sleeve where it will be 90” from the floor or if you put it to the top, you must pin the bottom of your quilt up to be no longer than 90” so that the quilts will not touch the floor. Please be sure your quilt complies before bringing or it will not be displayed. You will be responsible if your quilt should drag the floor and get dirty. If you have a question regarding the hanging sleeve, contact Pat Williams at 979 324-5227for assistance or to borrow a sleeve to pin on. Sleeves must be in place when delivered for hanging.
All types of quilts are welcome.
- Each quilt must be quilted either by hand or machine. Tied quilts will not be accepted.
- No pre-quilted fabric may be used.
- Labels: Labeling a quilt is far more important than announcing that you made a quilt. A quilt label is an important resource for future generations and insures that wherever the quilt goes, its history is clear. In my years of quilt admiring, I have often said, sadly, “I don’t know who made this quilt and what is it’s story.” Don’t let that happen to your quilts!
- A quilt label should include the following information: Name of the quilt. Size of quilt. When Quilt was made (Year), name of the quilt maker, name of the quilter if different than maker. Location, (City & State, Country), Finally, tell your story about the quilt (example: who made for, occasion, gift or personally owned. etc).
In addition, you can add optional pieces of information. If the quilt was a gift, add the recipient’s name and the occasion for which the quilt was made, such as graduation or wedding. Another nice touch is to state the relationship of the owner to the maker, such as grandmother or aunt. You can include a saying like, “When I was young, I watched my grandmother making quilts and this was one of her favorite patterns..
Example: Quilt Name: School Days Dimensions: 88 x 90 (W x L)
Date: 5/15/2025
Maker: Jane Doe
Quilted by: Sue Doe
Brief History (Story)
- Entry paperwork deadline will be July 08, 2025. Fill out two forms. The first copy needs to be mailed to 1805 16th Street, Hempstead, Texas 77445, emailed to Wanda@thequiltersranch.com, OR hand delivered to Wanda Mills. We must have this information by this date in order to prepare the quilts for hanging. We will also need to group the paper work by categories and size so we can organize so that the hanging of the quilts will flow smoothly as we will know where each quilt goes. The second one is to be brought with your quilt when it is delivered see instructions in #6. It will remain with your bag so that we get the quilts back in the proper owner’s bag, If you like, also place a picture of your quilt in your bag.
- Entry Delivery Information: Quilts are to be delivered to. Wanda Mills at 1805 16th Street in Hempstead on July 8th between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Quilts will be hung on July 17 at the (to be announced) Hempstead, TX beginning at 3:00pm. No late entries will be excepted unless paperwork is in on time and we are notified in advance, nevertheless they must be delivered no later than the 16th at 3:00 PM. Each Quilt is to be in it’s own bag (1 quilt per bag) as they will be dropped in the order in which they are to be hung and will not be necessarily together even though made by the same quilter. This is very important. You can use a bag, a vinyl pillow bag, a pillow case or whatever type of bag you choose. You must have a protective sheet protector or sleeve or a large zip lock bag for your paperwork on the outside of your bag. DO NOT PIN THROUGH YOUR PAPERWORK!!!!!! Your paper work will have to be accessible to be removed to put your show number on it. This is very important. HINT: take a picture of your quilt and put it with your paperwork so we can match it to the right bag.
- Fees: There are NO fees to enter your quilts.
- All entries must remain on display for the duration of the quilt show. No entries will be released until all quilts have been taken down and placed back into their bags. The release pick-up time is between 5:00 pm 5:30 PM. If you cannot pick up your entry, please make previous arrangements in writing with the contact person for the quilt show in order for us to release your quilt to the proper person.
Although every precaution will be taken to protect your entry, the Hempstead Civic and Commerce Associtiom will not be responsible for any damage or loss. Each entrant is responsible for their own insurance if desired.Visitors will vote on their favorite quilts – Viewer’s Choice. No judges. Cut off time for voting will be 3:30 PM.
Quilts will be voted on by the viewers. Items will be hung by classes.
Viewer’s Choice – 1st Place
Viewer’s Choice – 2nd Place
Viewer’s Choice – 3rd Place
Viewer’s Choice – 4th Place
Viewer’s Choice – 5th place
All awards are awarded after tabulating the viewer’s choice ballots.