Queen/Court Rules

Hempstead Commerce & Civic Association


35th Annual Watermelon Festival 

Hempstead Watermelon Festival Royalty Court & Application 


  • Queen, Duchess, and Princess contestants must be unmarried female and without children.
  • Contestants must be a Hempstead resident (77445 Zip Code)
  • The following requirements are for the upcoming school year (2025-2026):
      1. Queen Candidates must be entering grades 9th-12th
      2. Princess Candidates must be entering grades 6th-8th
      3. Duchess Candidates must be entering grades 3rd-5th
      4. Little Miss & Mister must be ages 5-8
      5. All contestants must prove that they have a “C” or better average for the preceding school semester.
  • Past Queens are not eligible to participate. Past Princess, Duchess and Little Miss can participate when they reach the next age level.
  • All contestants must provide a current photo with application.

Contestant Responsibility:

  • The contestant must sell tickets (details in section IV of these rules)
  • The contestants must ride in the Watermelon Festival Parade, attend the Queens Luncheon, the rehearsal and be at the opening ceremonies.
  • Winners must be available for next year’s festival to present sashes and crowns to the Queen and her court. Each winner is expected to wear crown and sash at all times during the festival.
  • The new court is REQUIRED to attend and assist at the Watermelon auction, awards ceremony, and the BBQ cook-off winners. They must be in full view of the public throughout the entire day. The Queen will attend the dance on Saturday night to draw the raffle prize winners during the dance intermission.
  • The contestants are to wear sun dresses, any color but white. No formal or evening gowns will be allowed.The formalwearisreservedforthecurrentQueensCourt.Dresses for the festival willbeapprovedattheluncheon and anyone that does not comply with this rule will not be judged. NO Facial piercings will be worn to any event & NO visible tattoos of any kind.
  • Little Mister participants must wear collared shirts and pressed pants or jeans.
  • Each contestant must have an escort for the coronation ceremony. The escorts are to be dressed appropriately. (Please no loud designs, prints to draw away from the participant).
  • THERE IS ZERO TOLERANCE TO BULLYING. You will be asked to leave if you are bullying or acting out towards any other candidates. 

Court’s Responsibilities:

  • The Queen and her Royal court will reign from the day they are crowned till the crowning of their predecessors of the following year.
  • All contestants must enter the Watermelon Festival Parade with a decorated float, truck, car, tractor, etc. of their choice. All winners will ride on the Queen’s float at the next Watermelon Festival and will be required to represent the Hempstead Commerce and Civic Association in numerous parades throughout the year.
  • Thenewcourtmustremainunmarriedwithoutchildrenandafull-timestudentduringtheirreign failure to fulfill all eligibility requirements will result in the relinquishment of the title and scholarship will go to the first runner-up in their category.
  • The Queen and her court must purchase a formal, white dress immediately following the July crowning for upcoming events.
  • The Queen and her court must be available and agree to represent the Watermelon Festival and the Hempstead Commerce and Civic Association in various functions during their reign. If the Queen fails to cooperate with the committee in any of these functions, she will be penalized
  • $500.00 of her scholarship. In the event the Queen is unavailable to fulfill two or more scheduled events, the first runner-up will step in and resume her duties.
  • The Queen and her court must carry out their community service project and that project will be approved by the committee.
  • The Queen and her court will be required to attend 75% of all planned events. 
  • NO Facial piercings will be worn to any event & NO visible tattoos of any kind.

Ticket Sales:

  • Each contestant will be issued 700 tickets upon receipt of their completed application. The contestant may pick up any additional tickets from Prosperity Bank in Hempstead between the hours of Monday – Friday: 9:00am– 4pm (please see Keri). 
  • Once a contestant has turned in the initial 700 sold tickets, they will then be considered eligible to run for the court. The first 700 tickets should be turned in by June 2, 2025.
  • All proceeds from ticket sales and ticket stubs must be turned into Prosperity Bank between the above-mentioned hours. All ticket stubs must be filled out individually and the staples removed.
  • Each contestant will be responsible for turning in the total amount from the sale of tickets or the amount collected from a portion of tickets sold along with the remaining unsold tickets. All remaining unsold tickets are to be turned into Prosperity Bank. You will be financially responsible for any lost unsold tickets. 
  • The deadline for all sold tickets and remaining unsold tickets is Wednesday, July 16, 2025 @ 4:00 pm.


  • Each contestant has the right to have sponsors who would like to sponsor them in the court. The minimum amount for a sponsor is $150.00. Sponsorship money and forms are due Wednesday, July 9, 2025 by 4:00pm to the bank.

Court Selection Process:

  • Each contestant will be judged for appearance, poise, and personality before a panel of judges. Please remember this is NOT a beauty pageant. The judges will consider your overall application as well as your personal interview. All ticket sales, sponsorships, judging scores will be
  • determine the winners. Please keep in mind we are in a social media age, so your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. may be viewed, as we are looking to represent Hempstead in a respectful manner.

Judging Breakdown




  • Top Ticket Seller will receive 10% of their ticket sales.
  • The Queen will be presented a $2,000.00 scholarship certificate given by the Hempstead Commerce and Civic Association President ($1,000.00 per semester) at the following years Watermelon Festival.
  • The Prizes for Princess, Duchess, Little Miss, and Mister will be determined by ticket sales, sponsorship money from each contestant. Prizes may consist of but not limited to, gift cards, apple products, etc.
  • All winners will receive a crown, sash, flowers, and gifts.

Raffle Prizes:

  • 1st Place 42’ Kubota Mower Deck/Petrol Engine-Zero Turn
  • 2nd Place – $500.00 Cash
  • 3rd Place- $250.00 Cash

Notes and Important Dates:

  • June 2, 2025 – First 700 tickets will need to be turned into Prosperity Bank
  • Wednesday, July 9th, all Sponsorship money and forms must be turned into Prosperity Bank no later than 4:00.
  • Saturday, July 12th Royal Court Luncheon & Judging @ 11am – Classic Events 
  • Wednesday, July 16th All final ticket sales must to turned into Prosperity Bank no later than 4:00.
  • Thursday, July 17th Rehearsal at the Gazebo 6:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, July 19th Parade will start 9:30 a.m. and ceremonies immediately following after
  • There will be a little prize given to all participants, so no one will leave empty handed.

If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Carter – msmacarter917@gmail.com and Tassidy Contreras – tassidy.contreras16@gmail.com.

Royal Court Chairpersons: Melissa Carter and Tassidy Contreras.